I came across this and thought it worth a share.
This happened on the evening of December 30, 1899, as a vessel was once more making the crossing from Vancouver to Sydney. By chance, the ship was just a few nautical miles from the intersection of the equator and the date line.
On this particular occasion it was reported that this vessel achieved the following claims to fame......
- in two different days (on its forward half, it was already Monday, while on its aft part, it was still Sunday);
- in two different months (forward in January, aft in December);
- in two different seasons (summer and winter);
- in two different years (1900 and 1899);
- in two different centuries (the 20th and the 19th); and
- in all four hemispheres at once (the southern and the northern on either side of the equator, and the eastern and western on either side of the 180th meridian).
Follow this link for the story A special claim to fame I will leave it to you to decide if it really happened.
(thank you to Big Think for a great share)