Greetings fellow mariners

I met some of the Savvy Navvy crew recently, it was good to have a face to face catch up and put faces to email addresses. For those of you yet to discover Savvy Navvy, have a look here,

If you would like to know more about the app or want 20% discount, drop me an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). I have found that many of my students have really appreciated the ease of use and the planing element of the app for their passage planning exercise. The algorithm will give a 'smart route' with corrections for a vessel based on tidal flow, hazards, weather and depth for your route at the predicted time of departure with depth having the highest bias. We have found that if making good a decent speed, ignoring the corrections gives a really good outcome.

The Savvy Navvy crew are investigating how to facilitate the ability for users to opt out of the smart route planning for a more direct route plan, paddlers will also be catered for when selecting kayaking or paddleboard, the routing will keep you in shallow water. Watch this space for more when it happens. 

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