Hello fellow mariners, How did you get on with the day shapes question?
Here are my thoughts.
In the order they were given
Fishing vessel | |
Vessel Not Under Command | |
Vessel Restricted in Ability to Manoeuvre | |
Vessel Constrained by Draught | |
Vessel Carrying out Diving Operations | |
Vessel Aground | |
Vessel Towing length of tow over 200m |
Vessel towing partially submerged object over than 200m |
Rule 18 is the reference rule for the responsibilities between vessels.
I use the mnemonic - New Reels Catch Fish So Purchase Some
N - Not Under Command
R - Restricted in Ability to Manoeuvre
C - Constrained by Draught
F - Fishing Vessels
S - Sailing Vessels
P - Power Driven Vessels
S - Sea Planes
Have a great day