How did you get on with last weeks question?
Here are my thoughts.
SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. The first version in 1914 came to fruition in response to the 15th of April 1912 Titanic Disaster. The 1914 treaty didn’t come into force because of the 1st world war. New versions were adopted in 1929 with successive versions accepted over the years and another update coming into force on January 01 2024
It has 14 chapters aimed at the construction, equipment and operation of ships, its aim is to establish basic requirements for ships registration, enhancing safety and making marine navigation safer
Have a look at this website for The ultimate guide on SOLAS
The RYA have consolidated the various regulations in chapter V relevant to pleasure vessels under 150 Gross Tons
RYA consolidated version of chapter V
The Merchant Shipping Act 1998 have defined a small pleasure craft as follows
Pleasure craft can be considered to be vessels that are used for sport or recreational purposes only and do not operate for any financial gain to the owner.
If more than 12 passengers are carried, irrespective of whether payment is made, the vessel is a “passenger ship” under the Merchant Shipping Regulations. A passenger may be considered as anyone onboard not involved with the running of the vessel.
“small vessel” means a vessel of less than 24 metres in load line length or, in the case of a vessel the keel of which was laid or which was at a similar stage of construction before 21st July 1968, less than 150 tons.
Hope that makes things a little clearer for you. Have a great day.