How did you get on?

Reminder - the compass bearings 

Church spire                                     269ºC 
RHS of pier                                       300ºC
Isolated danger mark (The Gear)     238ºC

Variation was 4º W  Deviation was 8ºE 

There are 2 useful mnemonics to remember

CadET - when going from compass to true add east (if going from true to compass subtract east)

(Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Very Tasty)

Compass Deviation  Magnetic Variation True
269 8ºE 276ºM 4ºW 272º
300 8ºE 308ºM 4ºW 304º
238 8ºE 346ºM 4ºW 342º
I am rather hoping you we are able to do the conversions quickly enabling a quick plot of the bearings on the chart. 
Here is the chart I have produced - I have left the origins of the bearings so you can see where they are, the other lines are course lines with direction above the line and speed in the box below the. 

Well done if you did. 


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