How did you get on with the 2nd week of chart symbols questions?
Here are my thoughts
Chart a
Left to right
Yellow - Isolated danger mark colour - Black buoy with broad red bands, top mark is two black spheres, White light, flashes 2 every 10 seconds visible for 2 nautical miles in optimum visibility.
Blue - Rock that is awash at chart datum
Black - Rock that covers and uncovers
Purple - Southerly cardinal mark - colour - Yellow over black, top mark two triangles pointing down. White light flashing very quick 6 times plus1 long flash every 10 seconds.
Chart b
Left to right
Black - Flashing white light every 5 seconds, visible for 9 nautical miles in optimum visibility, there is also an obstruction at 5m depth obtained by sounding but not a wire sweep.
Orange - Isolated danger mark. colour - Black buoy with broad red bands, top mark, two black spheres, white light, flashes 2 every 10 seconds
Green - Easterly cardinal mark. colour - Black buoy with a broad yellow band, top mark, two triangles pointed away from each other (looks like and egg), white light flashes quick 3 times every 10 seconds
Red - Special mark colour - yellow, top mark yellow X, yellow light flashing 5 times every 20 seconds
Purple - Seabed type, pebbles and shells at a depth of 22.5m
Well done if you managed to get all that without looking it up. Are you ready for your coastal skipper or Yachtmaster theory?
Have a great week.