How did you get on with the last question? Bit tricky? Here are my thoughts.

June 03 Dale bay at 1630 draught is 3m

HW    1533  6.2m       LW 2155  1.4m   - it is June so add 1 hr to bring tide times to BST

What is the height of tide at 1630 Arriving at HW - 3 minutes  - it will be virtually HW  6.2m
How much will the tide fall between 1630 and LW Tidal range is 6.2 - 1.4 =  4.8m
What is the depth of water to anchor in at 1630 to allow a clearance of 2 metres at LW
Draught is 3m need a clearance of 2m = 5m 
LW is 1.4m , need 5m - 1.4m = 3.6m 
HW is 6.2m add 3.6m (range)  = 9.8m 

June 18 1530 anchoring - draught 1.9m

HW   1536  5.6m        LW  2152   2.0m. it is June so add 1 hr to bring tide times to BST

What is the height of the tide at 1535
Arrive at HW - 1hr 
HW 5.6m  LW 2.0m  range = 3.6m 
1/12 is 0.3m  10 % is 0.36m  
HOT at HW - 1hr is 
5.3m if you used the rule of 12th’s 
5.24m if you used the % rule 
Let’s use 5.3m 
How much will the tide fall between 1535 and LW
Arrival depth is 5.3m LW is 2.0m 
5.3 - 2.0 = 3.3m 
What is the depth of water to anchor in at 1535 to allow a 1 metre clearance at LW
HW 5.6m  LW 2.0m  range for the calculation = 3.6m 
Draught is 1.9m need a clearance of 1m = 2.9m 
LW is 2.0m 
2.9 - 2.0 = 0.9m 
HOT at 1535 is 5.3m 
5.3m + 0.9m = 6.2m 


If you managed to get all that, very well done......   Reward yourself with tea and cake. 



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