How did you get on with the lights question?

Here are my thoughts - the question asks what lights would they display at night.

1. Motor sailing - masthead light port and Stbd nav lights, overtaking light
2. Not under command - Two all round red lights in a vertical line if making way will also display port and stbd nav lights and her stern light
3. Towing over 200m - 3 Masthead lights in a vertical line, Port and Stbd Nav lights, overtaking light, a towing light above the stern light, The vessel being towed shall exhibit port and Stbd lights as well as a stern light.
4. Fishing vessel - all round red over white lights in a vertical line, when making way, port and stbd nav lights along with an overtaking light. If there is outlying gear over 150m an additional all round white in the direction of the gear.
5. Vessel aground - 3 all round reds in a vertical line in addition to anchor lights 
6.  Vessel at anchor - All round white light for a vessel under 50m. If over 50m, 2 all round white lights, the fwd one being the higher of the two.
7. Divers down - At night it would display RAM lights, all round red over white over red, when making way masthead light, port and Stbd nav lights with an overtaking light.
If you managed to get all that - great. Time for tea and cake!
8. RAM - when underway, all round red over white over red,  2 all round red lights in a vertical line on the obstructed side and two all round green lights in a vertical line on the safe to pass side if at anchor would in addition display an anchor light.
9. Submarine - Masthead light, port and Stbd nav lights overtaking light and an amber flashing light. 

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