Hello, how did you get on?
Where are you?
For those of you who were unable to work it out, you were just outside Naxos in the Aegean Sea heading into port. To those of you that did work it out - well done. |
Now, what was it you were looking at? I am guessing a few of you went down the fishing vessel route, sadly not correct. For those of you that went down the pilot boat route - lights are wrong way round, pilot is white over red. One or two of you might have gone for a larger vessel carrying dangerous cargo, good shout but only 1 white light - if it was a larger vessel you would expect to see 2 masthead lights for a vessel over 50m. The clue was a brighter flashing red light.
Here is a 360 look at the lights that I managed to find
The vessel is a WIG (Wing in Ground) craft.
Youtube video of a WIG vessel in action, a brief history and its future
What COLREGs applied to it? There a few, the main ones are;
Rule 8 - Action to avoid collision
Rule 18 - Responsibility between vessels to keep out of the way of others
Rule 23a, c - Lights to be displayed
Where in the Vessel Hierarchy does it sit?
In days of old when knights were bold and gunpowder had just been invented, I was taught the memonic New Reels Catch Fish So Purchase Some
Not Under Command
Restricted in Ability to Manoeuvre
Constrained by Draught
Fishing Vessels
Sailing Vessels
Power Vessels
Hope you enjoyed the challenge it posed. Look out for the next question.