How did you get on with last week’s question?
Here are my thoughts.
What was the new law?
The Merchant Shipping (Watercraft) Order 2023
This press release gives a more concise summary along with some useful FAQ's
What does SOLAS chapter 5 tell the leisure craft industry to conform to?
This UK Gov. leaflet gives the elements of chapter 5 relevant to the leisure craft industry
What is contained in a passage plan?
Whilst there are many, many different templates out there for you to wade your way through. The minimum expectation is that you have considered the list in the previous answer above. I use this one to help me get all the information down that I need. Whilst at first glance it seems lengthy and complicated, the template fits the bill for us in as much as many of the trips we do are repeat trips or mile builders. The advantage is do it once for the nitty gritty suff like waypoints, navigation hazards, contact details and little chartlet etc. and its just a case of spending a little time filling in the rest. At least if there is an accident and the MAIB are involved, fulfilling the passage plan criteria has been met.